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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. # Keycloak docker starter
  2. Follow instructions from [main README file](../
  3. ## Startup
  4. To start docker running keycloak
  5. ```console
  6. bash
  7. ```
  8. Go to http://localhost:8080 and login via `admin:admin`.
  9. Create a new realm `demorealm`.
  10. Create a new client with client-id=`react-app`, leave everything else untouched (openid-connect).
  11. Create a new user and set his credentials.
  12. ----
  13. ## Keycloak theming
  14. [Download Alfresco Theme](
  15. Follow instructions inside [Alfresco theme repository](
  16. ----
  17. Alternatively, use the instruction below
  18. Get running container id by
  19. ```console
  20. docker ps
  21. ```
  22. Then connect with bash into the container
  23. ```console
  24. docker exec -it containderId bin/bash
  25. ```
  26. Create appropriate theme folder and exit
  27. ```console
  28. mkdir /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/alfresco
  29. exit
  30. ```
  31. Copy `theme` folder into docker container
  32. ```console
  33. docker cp theme containerId:/opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/alfresco
  34. ```
  35. Restart container if the theme is not visible inside administrator console
  36. ```console
  37. docker restart containerId
  38. ```